Monday, May 5, 2008

Tired...lately I've just been tired. And lately, I've been reminded of my age. Now 35 isn't exactly old, but now I get some of the jokes with 80s-90s commentary which the teenagers I work with just look at me like...???whaaa???

Geez Louise. A few weeks ago I went in for the annual GYN visit, which for me isn't so bad b/c my doc is adorable & tooo cute! So everything went by rote until he said, "and this year you'll go for your first mammogram".

Scrrrrr. stop the presses...he said what? mammogram? That's what my mom has, that's what OLD women do. I'm not old enough for that! I'm still young and vivacious, I shouldn't need to do that! Damn. So tomorrow afternoon I'll join the ranks of the old women who have their breasts photographed.

It's not the test itself that bothers me, good grief I've delivered 4 children into this world and if I ever had any modesty, I sure don't have any after all of that! What bothers me is the feeling of being 'old'. Of crossing some invisible line. When did 35 become the great divide? Didn't The Cult of Oprah declare that 50 is the new 40? Half the women I know don't start having kids until their 30s...

So what is it about this particular test that has made me feel so old? Why do I equate this simple set of photographs with age?