Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Everything's up in the Air

Everything's up in the air...is kind of a strange expression if you really think about it. Nothing stays up in the air...other than clouds...yet we think dealing with unknowns is like being among the clouds--although that seems unfair to the clouds!

My life, ladies and gentlemen, has been resting with the clouds for a month now. Some of that is of my own making and some of that is out of my control. We sit at the cusp of a move. Moving was kind of fun in your 20s when you didn't own very much stuff, called a few friends, rented a truck for the afternoon and made it happen. Moving for me now? Urgh!

This move would be a relocation 1000 miles away. To Austin, TX which I've always considered to be my "home base". A city I adore filled with places I love to go, food I love to eat, and people I enjoy seeing. For me and my husband, it would/will be fantastic. The three munchkins-well that's a whole 'nother enchalada!

I have O in 2nd grade, so that means changing schools after school has started...I have S in a pre-k program which is what kindergarten was for me and I know I won't be able to find that again in Austin...and I have JH who is in a Mothers Morning Out program 3 mornings a week...and finding an opening with something like that is sometimes like asking the mountain to come to Mohammad!

It's interesting to me that as we sit on the edge of one of the most important political votes in US history, I could care less. I know who I will vote for, but am so inwardly focused, I don't seem to care who anyone else votes for!

I'm guessing up in the air means eventually we believe whatever's up there has to obey gravity and come down to earth. There's no way to see how the "cards will fall" (another phrase which calls to mind the air). I'm just hoping they decide to fall soon.