Sunday, February 1, 2009

Am I teachable?

In church yesterday, yes--the Diva attends church, the sermon's point was "are you teachable"? It's left me thinking about just I teachable? Do I accept new information and learn and grow from it?

As a 36 year-old somewhat know-it-all's a difficult question to ask. On one hand, I really enjoy listening to other ideas and consider myself to be a "student of people". (Notice I did NOT say I was a people-person...because I've found that folks who refer to themselves as a people-person are just annoying and the rest of us 'people' have no interest in them!) I don't know that I change my opinion very often. You know the old expression, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression". For me, that seems to apply to concepts/ideas as well as people.

Now I'm not saying I'm completely incapable of changing my opinion...but it doesn't happen very often. So does that make me unteachable? Do I let my first impressions out-weigh evidence or fact? I'd like to think not, but I'm definitely wondering.

Are there situations which demand we go by gut, and ignore the facts? How about the times when there are no facts to help us make decisions? Anyone else put cash into the stock market in March 2008?

I believe I'm teachable--but probably only to a point. Which may be a sad, sad statement. If you're overly "teachable" does that make you gullible? Would someone say you're "easily led". I hope not. I hope I can be more teachable now after thinking about this topic. After all, where would any of us be if our first impressions were the only thing we had going for us!