Monday, February 22, 2010's starting to feel like Planet Hoth

Ok, so I've been a bad girl and not kept up with the blog. I will do better...but since I last wrote 3/09, we have sold our home in Alpharetta (yes, we sold in a bad market...yea me.) we put Lone Star Cabin into a rental program (, and moved our wagon full of kids off to Glen Arm, Maryland.

And so far...I have really loved the people I've met here.

The weather has been horrendous. In under 3 months of living here it has snowed over 80 inches!!! All of my new friends and neighbors here keep telling me, "you know, this is just not normal for Maryland". Really? Really? Far as I can tell, normal is what each person experiences for themselves...and if this is my "normal" winter for Maryland...boys and girls, I can promise you I won't be experiencing too many more of them!

First, Second, and Last I am a Texan. My heart flutters a little every time I see the Lone Star state flag. I believe chili is good ANY time of the year. Shiner Bock Beer is truly proof that "God loves us and wants us to be happy" (stolen from Ben Franklin).