Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What does it mean to be in transition

The prefix "trans- " signifies across, through or changing thoroughly.  The root of the word transition is situation.  Situation identifies a place or a combination of circumstances.  Repeatedly at 4:00am I am finding my mind working through my present transition.

The year 2012 brought me amazing opportunities.  I began the year a Masters degree candidate who had just completed writing her thesis.  In January I embarked upon an unpaid internship with the District Court of Maryland's Alternative Dispute Resolution office.  This opportunity proved to be more fulfilling than I imagined.  I worked on a large research project, met judges, provided opinions and wrote an article for the District Court ADR newsletter which was published.  During this internship I also attended a conference in Washington, DC which changed the direction I was pursuing with my new found career--it also helped me decide that I should attend law school.  These experiences stretched across the entire year.

My daughter Olivia finished elementary school in June of this year and transitioned into Middle school.  6th of the most difficult changes we make through adolescence.

June also found a few challenges for me--I finished my last course in my Masters work on June 18th and the following day I had 3.5 hour sinus surgery.  This led to the next 2-4 weeks of recovery and down time...ah, how I love down time.  

August found my entire family in my home state of Texas.  We gathered and drove out to Abilene, TX to attend my Masters' graduation ceremony from Abilene Christian University (ACU).  During that trip, I also made campus visits to three law schools around the state...reaffirming my decision that attaining a JD was the next step in my progression.

September began with fervor...three children back to school and I was nose down studying for the LSAT.  The LSAT is no's intentionally written to be tricky and it's given in short 35 minute segments which are intended to add pressure to an already intensive situation.  October 2nd I took the exam...and November 2nd I received my score.  Ok...but needs to be higher for a slam dunk entry into law school--now I'm faced with taking the exam again.  Ugh.

October was filled with law school applications and kids activities. 

November was over run with kids activities, Thanksgiving, my 40th birthday and our 15th wedding anniversary.  (A pitty we are fairly cash strapped and couldn't celebrate any of those milestones with any sort of large celebration.)

The beginning of December found me trying to recover from my first sinus infection post-surgery.  My ENT prescribed 15 days of steroids...something I wouldn't wish on anyone and something I will not be experiencing again.

So here I am, December 19th struggling to relax and go with my "changing thoroughly combination of circumstances" or transition.  Just 4 months ago I was given my Masters diploma...and yet I didn't relax and enjoy that accomplishment--I threw myself right back into the next thing.  I have accomplished a great amount of things this year, but want to see my acceptance into law school and want to know where I'll be!

I believe 2013 will see my family relocate back to Texas...most likely in Houston or San Antonio...but have no guarantees.  I believe I will begin law school in the fall of 2013...but haven't been accepted yet.  I believe we will list and sell our home in Maryland in a reasonable amount of time...but have no guarantee to the amount of time or money which will surround that sell and whether or not we will be offered a move package to relocate our family.

I hate to sound like such a control freak--but I'm so out of control with all of these large items, it's hard not to want to control something.  For Christmas, I'm trying to give myself the gift of reflection.  To be given time to reflect on what one has accomplished and time to decide how best to utilize those accomplishments is my holiday wish for all of us.
