Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Well kids...being sick sucks. Sorry I fell off the face of the earth for about 2.5 months...but I literally wanted to die, so falling off the face of the earth will have to do for now.

Enough about that. I want to talk about spring break and beach trips. As a resident of the debtor colony of GA (oh, did I say *that*?) I have taken the trip South to visit Florida on spring break like so many others. Just look around the town I reside in--Alpharetta--and you will notice a great vacancy as most folks went South or East (South Carolina for those of you who didn't pay attention in the two week course on geography the American government has deemed acceptable).

Unfortunately for our dear friends the Dunbars, we accepted their offer of a few days of sun and beach play during the spring break vacay. And if you check facebook...you and the rest of the world can see how we brought the cold weather down to Florida. Ok, so we didn't like pack it a suitcase or anything--but it does seem that the weather temp dropped dramatically after we arrived.

So what does that say about us? Are we the wet blanket everyone invites to the party but secretly hopes doesn't show up? Are we the curse for spring break? Oh no...beware the Nashes they bring bad tiding and doom....?

Nah...we just have some lousy luck when it comes to spring break and the beach. Four years ago we went to the beach over spring breaks with some other friends and froze our butts off too! (Anyone else noticing a trend here?) I say Nay-sayers be damned, we're not cursed...we're not I say. Tomorrow is another day (sorry for the plagerism on that one, but I HAD to go there).

So bring on the margaritas and flip-flops...it's only 51 degrees at 11 am...but I have faith a better day is coming. Or at least that's the ltitle lie I'm planning to tell myself today. Enough of this typing, I'm going outside to get a nice wind burn, which I plan to tell EVERYone is a lovely sun burn.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Am I teachable?

In church yesterday, yes--the Diva attends church, the sermon's point was "are you teachable"? It's left me thinking about just that...am I teachable? Do I accept new information and learn and grow from it?

As a 36 year-old somewhat know-it-all type...it's a difficult question to ask. On one hand, I really enjoy listening to other ideas and consider myself to be a "student of people". (Notice I did NOT say I was a people-person...because I've found that folks who refer to themselves as a people-person are just annoying and the rest of us 'people' have no interest in them!) I don't know that I change my opinion very often. You know the old expression, "you never get a second chance to make a first impression". For me, that seems to apply to concepts/ideas as well as people.

Now I'm not saying I'm completely incapable of changing my opinion...but it doesn't happen very often. So does that make me unteachable? Do I let my first impressions out-weigh evidence or fact? I'd like to think not, but I'm definitely wondering.

Are there situations which demand we go by gut, and ignore the facts? How about the times when there are no facts to help us make decisions? Anyone else put cash into the stock market in March 2008?

I believe I'm teachable--but probably only to a point. Which may be a sad, sad statement. If you're overly "teachable" does that make you gullible? Would someone say you're "easily led". I hope not. I hope I can be more teachable now after thinking about this topic. After all, where would any of us be if our first impressions were the only thing we had going for us!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The truth about men and women

Alright, men and women...two things that are meant to go together--LITERALLY. However! The differences between men and women are astounding.

Women--very competitive with one another, overly concerned with their appearances, detail oriented, group focused, need to be heard, need to feel safe and a need to be loved. (never sure what gals mean by that last one, but ok, loved)

Men--need to be fed, well sexed, and supported. THAT'S IT.

Seriously, the male species is so much easier to understand. For all the bravado...they greatly need to feel that they're doing a good job. They need to know that people believe in them. If they're well fed in mind and body and, let's face it, in the bedroom; the world will always seem right for them.

God bless them. When little boys argue with other little boys, they duke it out until they get tired--then get up and go back to playing with one another. Boys so rarely hold grudges or "never" want to play with so-and-so again.

Little girls on the other hand...they're looking for cues from each other early on as to who they're going to be friends with and who they're not. They are sizing each other's clothes up by 2nd grade! They get into arguments and try to split up friends by who sides with whom.

Think I'm crazy? Look around. If you're a woman, how many times have you felt torn by someone else's argument? Felt that you had to choose "sides". How many times have you let a situation upset your dinner or weekend because you're replaying the situation over and over wanting to figure out how to make it better (or how to find revenge).

Ladies, we could learn a lot from the males in our lives. Team sports have helped little girls, but we must carry through...stop tearing each other down and let's have disagreements without whiplash--without payback--without stress.

We could learn a lot from being well fed, well sexed and supported by those around us.

How different would your life be if those 3 things were the personal priorities in your life? Not the kids' bake sale at school. Not the volunteer activity you felt you HAD to sign up for. Not the neighborhood activity you really didn't want to participate in but felt you'd be talked about if you didn't attend.

Life could be easier if we supported each other ladies. If we met each other right where we each were...and accepted not judged.

Now hear me when I say--I don't think men have all the answers! Far from it. Men struggle in their own ways. But it doesn't hurt to examine how they tend to function vs. how we women do.

Monday, January 5, 2009

A New Year once again...

2009 is now upon us...which means for me, more birthdays, a high school graduation in May and yet another potential for a move.

For 8 years previous, OK, so let's say 5 years, I've been working on a come and go basis about committing to where I am and being loose enough to move when the man says go. And once again, we sit at the verge of a move with nothing substantial from the company. How many times have I found myself in this place? Without exaggeration, I really do believe at least 6 times.

How does one live day to day in one area whilst trying to be prepared to pack it all up and move to another?

Military families are the super royalty at this type of thing. Some of those kids see 3 different schools in one calendar year! But at the same time, if attending school on base, they're all in the same boat. And somehow I'm betting, when someone says,hey we could really use you in this role...it doesn't take 6-9 months of walking around a situation and reorganizing the company before action is taken. I'm guessing it's far less painful to just get the orders and go. Kinda like pulling off a band aid; better to just do it and not drag it out.

So what do I have to offer as in an interesting anecdote? Nothing. I find nothing about living in limbo amusing. And no, it's not comforting to know that many many others are going through the exact same thing. Frustrating. Exhausting. Anxiety causing.

Maybe worst of all, I really wonder if I won't be living in the same spot saying the exact same thing when 2010 arrives.