Thursday, April 29, 2010


I know this sounds a little silly, and maybe petty...but I NEED a bathtub.

When we moved to this house six months ago, the master bedroom had 2 bathrooms within the suite. Seriously, two. One was not much more than a closet which held a potty, sink, and a teensy shower which would make anyone claustrophobic...much less fit my six foot five husband. The other, had a long vanity top area, then a separate "closed door" area with along skinny shower, a potty and a bidet. Yes...this bedroom had a bidet...but NOT A BATHTUB. Who lives like that!!!???

My husband loved this house from the first moment he walked into it...what I saw, lots and lots of updating work. Anyone want to guess who's doing the updating work??? That's what I thought. So I told him from the get go...we can only buy this house if you let me close off the small bathroom and build a walk in closet. No if's and's or but's about it. And, yes, my closet was completed in January.

Now...the dilemma is to finish out the vanity/bidet bathroom to be a true Master Bathroom. All it takes is if you don't have $50,000 to throw at a project, and I don't , I have to design and plan then execute on a new bathroom.

My biggest lesson so far--I had no idea how expensive bathtubs are! Also, all those really snazzy shower elements ain't cheap. So for now, I have my pieces and parts picked out, the cabinets ordered, and I'm waiting to hear from my contractor what the labor quote will be. Based on his numbers, I can decide what plumbing parts I can and maybe cannot buy...also, if I can get the incredible limestone tile I've picked out or not...and I really hope I don't have to trade that out! But, oh well. The one thing I'm not giving up bathtub. I can't wait to soak in that baby. I don't take a bath every night. But, when you want to soak in a tub, nothing else can fill that need.

Soooon. Soooon. Soooon I will be soaking in that bad boy in the photo...sooooooon.

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