Friday, February 29, 2008

Youth Weekend

Tonight I'm off to spend the weekend with Alpharetta First United Methodist Church's Senior High Youth. We'll be staying at the Cohutta Lodge and Restaurant:
500 Cochise Trail, Chatsworth, Ga 30705

It's about 1.5 hours from Alpharetta, so it should be an easy trip. I've never been to this retreat before, but the website looks nice. Let's hope the pictures DO the property justice! I've packed a bag to bursting with candy. Nothing like keeping a bunch of teenagers juiced up on sugar to help a weekend pass s-l-o-w-l-y. : )

On Saturday afternoon, we've been scheduled to go paint balling. I've never been paint balling and my husband said he didn't think I'd like being hit. See how he thought I would like the running around shooting people part. Not sure if I'll do that or not. I've already offered up that if they need adults to stay back at the lodge that I would. I'm thinking some quality downtime with a great book and my ipod might be just what I need...probably what I need a lot more than being banged up by my big kids repeatedly shooting me!

We're due back Sunday afternoon around lunch time, so it's destiny that we'll show up right as 11:00 service is emptying out into the parking lot! Let's hope not. Please pray for dry weather as it's supposed to be YUCKY tonight!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wacky, Wacky Weather!

Geez Louise! It's 32 degrees outside...yesterday it was 60 and I could run outside! The wind is gusting and several screens have blown off of my house! My friend Karen said yesterday morning the wind blew chairs into her pool and a branch down on glass top table--you guessed it, kaploohey! She said there's shattered glass everywhere. And next to a pool? Can you think of a worse place to have broken glass than pool side?

There were, no lie, snow flurries this morning. Crazy.

Last year Easter showed up with ice and freezing temperatures in April. Would anyone like to wager a guess as to what the weather will be like for an Easter in March? I bought my kids linen blazers at the end of last summer planning for a cold it's bound to be 75 and beautiful.

Has anyone started their plantings yet? I've really let the green stuff go over the last two years and would like to get back to it this year. I think I'm going to order some antique roses to fill in the "dead" holes in my rose garden. Maybe get some trees planted in March at the, that sounds a lot like work and not so much like fun. My bulbs have started coming up, and I'm hopefully for a great showing...

The drought last year took such a toll on so many plants it will be interesting to see what comes back and what doesn't.

Monday, February 25, 2008

I missed the Oscars!

Ok, so I wasn't planning to watch the Oscars on Sunday night when they aired. That's what Tivo's for, right? I joyfully sat down to watch the glamor parade pre-game count down and that wonderful technology I counted on, tivo, went to the wrong channel. Crazy, frustrating, stressful...I missed the gowns, the jewels, the Hollywood A list being attacked by Gary Busey...nuts! For the first time in I don't know how many years, I didn't get to hear the good, the bad, the strange, and the what were they talking about? recipient speeches. Oh well, I didn't make it to see any of the movies anyway, I guess that was the universe's way of telling me don't stress about something you know nothing about anyway!!!

What is the Academy Awards really about? Is it truly a reflection of movies from the previous year? How many people saw There Will be Blood before Daniel Day Lewis was nominated? And what about No Country for Old Men...a really grabber for the regular Joe.

Let's face it, movies have turned into a crazy expensive endeavor. And have you tried to go to a matinee lately? "Matinees" have to start PRIOR to 3pm. 3 pm!!! It once was any movie before 6...and now--hey, let's face it, there's only 1-2 shows you can pay 1-2 $ less than regular price.

Last week I took my kids to see the Hannah Montana in 3D concert movie. We went to a, you guessed it, 3 o'clock showing and were told that there IS no cheaper pricing for 3D movies, they're $15 a ticket for everyone. So, I paid $15 for a ticket for my 2 year-old to watch a movie in which the package for the 3D glasses said "not for use by children under 3 years-of-age! Geez. They get you coming and going.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

musical rant

Ever wonder how someone as young as Norah Jones can deliver such sexy, seductive songs? I mean, is this just an innate ability? Are some people born with a carnal knowledge of what "works" in the areas of men to women or women to men?

Come away with me was not written by Norah, in fact I don't think any of the songs on the album of the same name were written by the artist. So does that mean the producer was really the mastermind of the entire project? Putting the right voice with the right piece of music. Truly, this album is magic. And of course I'm really dating myself by using the word album in the first place!!! The CD is magic, but for we old timers, how great would this album be crackling and popping on an old 45? There's just a little more soul when the sound isn't too perfect.

What would all of those old albums sound like crackling and popping in tiny ear buds being delivered through mp3 players to the 16 year olds of today? Personally my memories almost all revolve around cassette tapes. How many minutes of my life did I give up to recoiling a tape back into the cassette.??? surely an hour of my life which I'll never get back.

Music is just one of those things which makes life worth living. If it's Norah Jones on an MP3 player or John Cougar*(yes, before he was John cougar Mellencamp) on your turn makes the majority of my memories come back to me with such clarity.

Think of your favorite artist, then one of their best songs--did you just go back to one of those magical memories?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

To whine, or to wine

To whine or not to wine...that is the question. This afternoon I attended a wine tasting at my favorite wine store, Vino100. The wines were diverse and worth trying, but the people watching was off the charts. First let me say, cougars in pursuit of their prey are not very attractive. Unfortunately, these women WERE attractive, but they were pursuing 2 young men, friends of mine, quite deliberately.

So what is it about wine that encourages people to drop the pretense and go for what they really want? And what is it that we really want? Companionship? Courtship? a great quickie? These gals struck me as two capable competent women who were not sure what they wanted in a romantic social setting.

And does this not beg the question, do I? Do I know what I want out in an adult social setting? Personally I enjoy the banter of conversation with people I may never see again, I enjoy discussing wines I've tried and labels I've heard about but haven't had the opportunity to sample. I'm not trying to be above the crowd...I was in the crowd, one of them. However, being a married woman alone in a situation like this causes one to ponder...

It wasn't just an evening for cougars, there were singles on dates, young newbies trying to learn a thing or two about the grape, older couples who knew TONs about the grape, and married couples who fell somewhere in between. There were single women huddled together, there were college age kids who were with one couples' mom...that was neat to witness. That group in particular had made peace with all of the social garbage surrounding the mom/kid relationship and were actually having a good time. Maybe that means there's hope for the rest of us.

So to whine, or to wine. For me it's the wine. I am a petite Syrah addict. I adore most red wines and only a very few whites. Peter & Tim did a great job, as usual, selecting wines which will appeal to a wide audience. I did enjoy the 2006 Montes Alpha Syrah, Tim's favorite. But my favorite of the evening was the 2005 Mapema Malbec. I happen to like Malbec but have found that most people I know don't really fancy this varietal which is a shame.

Try something new--try something you've never heard of! Wine is to be enjoyed, not studied and snobbied. Drink an amazing Zinfandel with your next steak. Take a bottle of Vino Verde to the first picnic of the spring--people will be amazed at the difference!

Wine is one of my favorite indulgences in life. What's yours?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Its Friday again

I think the phrase, Thank God it's Friday doesn't apply to the stay at home mom. I mean, it's not like the people you woke up this morning and fed breakfast to aren't going to ask for the same kindness tomorrow!

It's rainy here in GA, and it always makes February such a depressing month. Does anyone really LOVE Feb? Really, the grey days just make me sad...and they make it so hard to get out of bed. Maybe it's time to go on a virtual vacation. Haven't you ever sat in front of your computer and scanned vacation hot spots just to feel a little "sun"? I think today I'll look for Greece. There is just nothing as beautiful as the Agean sea. What a fantastic shade of blue...or green...or blue-green! Nothing like it. My dream is to see the Greek islands from a small boat enjoying the view that the original sea-fearing tradesmen must have seen.

OR maybe it's an Australia kind of know Christmas in July logic. It's sunny and beautiful there right now with Shelia's laying all over Bondi beach. Fish on the barbi off some beautiful boat in Sydney harbor. That sounds like a good life.

As for me, I'll just go change another diaper and hit the Y for a fun run on the treadmill. Who wouldn't want to be me?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wow! I did it. Today is my first posting. And what a day, in the time I've tried to get this posted, I've handed out several punishments, put the cushions back on the couch-twice, cleaned blood up out of the carpet from a 4 year-old's bloody nose, and even now I'm being asked for food. My whole day revolves around feeding these kids. Do they ever get full? Do they ever finish the last item of consumeable product I gave them? Geez.

This blog spot is for me to vent, dream, and most of all challenge myself to write everyday. If there are others out there doing the same thing, let me know!! thanks