Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wacky, Wacky Weather!

Geez Louise! It's 32 degrees outside...yesterday it was 60 and I could run outside! The wind is gusting and several screens have blown off of my house! My friend Karen said yesterday morning the wind blew chairs into her pool and a branch down on glass top table--you guessed it, kaploohey! She said there's shattered glass everywhere. And next to a pool? Can you think of a worse place to have broken glass than pool side?

There were, no lie, snow flurries this morning. Crazy.

Last year Easter showed up with ice and freezing temperatures in April. Would anyone like to wager a guess as to what the weather will be like for an Easter in March? I bought my kids linen blazers at the end of last summer planning for a cold it's bound to be 75 and beautiful.

Has anyone started their plantings yet? I've really let the green stuff go over the last two years and would like to get back to it this year. I think I'm going to order some antique roses to fill in the "dead" holes in my rose garden. Maybe get some trees planted in March at the, that sounds a lot like work and not so much like fun. My bulbs have started coming up, and I'm hopefully for a great showing...

The drought last year took such a toll on so many plants it will be interesting to see what comes back and what doesn't.

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