Monday, June 16, 2008


This summer will be one for the ages...I've got too many commitments and too many trips!

The first trip, a Mission trip to Juarez, Mexico, was last week. We took 25 Sr. high teenagers into one of the worst reputed border towns. They built two houses--which by American standards were nothing more than mere garden shacks. The kiddos also led Vacation Bible School for the kids of Colonia 30, which I guess is a neighborhood--or maybe it's more compreable to the 'wards' in large urban areas. Some of us came back wind burned, sun burned, and I've got a questionable rash on my bum! Other than that, no intestinal funk--thank you God--and the food was AWEsome. Yumm yumm. We got home around 5 o'clock Saturday...just in time to pack for the next trip.

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, we leave for San Antonio, Tx. I know, I know, I was just so close being in El Paso--BUT...I had to come home to GA so I could drive my precious darling children 16 hours back. I'll be there at my parents until Sunday when I fly back to the East coast to "chaparone" and Senior trip to Myrtle Beach, SC. This trip I am looking forward to. 10 kids who really are nice kids--not crazy party kids, and all I have to do is help out if insurance is needed. Seriously, I see my sleeping late and reading several books on the beach. The only way it could get better is if Steve could come out for a day or two--but this is his heaviest work time.

The following Saturday I fly back to San Antonio to my parents and my kids! Steve flies out 7/2 and my dad leaves for London 7/3. Steve's family is having a family reunion 7/4 and then Steve's mom's birthday is 7/5! We'll pick up my oldest son Matt on 7/6 at some point and head north to Canton, TX to do 1st Monday trade days. One of the cooooolest flea market/antique/junk stops you've ever seen. Last summer I saw a porch swing which I'm going back to get for my cabin--strapping to the top of my truck? We'll see.

Home to GA around 7/8 or 9 depending on how well we get through our crazy weekend.

Then the fun's just beginning. Olivia has dance company summer camp, my cousin Jordan is flying out for a visit, Matt and I are going on a white water rafting weekend...and then hopefully we'll get a few days of rest in before we slide into the first day of school 8/11.

Summer, we have no summer. We have motion this year. Not that I'm complaining...because we're going to do some really great things. Mexico was a wonderful trip, and I'm sure we'll have lots of fun with all of our other plans. I just need a little rest somewhere along the way!!!

: )

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