Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Time of Transition

Here I sit at the beginning of June wondering where May went. Honestly...we've been full steam ahead so long I'm not sure what rest would feel like?!

Transition. I guess its a word I haven't thought about very often. Maybe we're in a constant state of it but too busy to notice. Or possibly, its only in times of extreme change that we truly feel its expression.

My oldest child, Matt is now a Senior in high school. This August he'll turn 18 years old and vote in the upcoming Presidential election. Oh my but the time has flown. My 2nd child, Olivia is now a 2nd grader...and I keep thinking she's still in Kinder garden. My #3 & #4 the pair of wild boys--well they never cease to amaze me with the crazy antics they think up. I am starting to wonder if they really will be the death of me...?

In May, my 'adopted' son Rusty graduated from High School. In a few months he'll be out of here and off to college, which is great! but it's also strange to think I won't see very much of him. He's been such a blessing to me and my family the last few years--I know we're all going to miss seeing him around.

Elsa, our baby Great Dane is most of time time a great pain in the butt. This dog has a great love of people food which is a HUGE problem with a Giant Breed dog! There's no where to keep food from her. Today she ate my spicy tuna rolls off the kitchen counter when I went upstairs to have a phone conversation. She's right this moment looking for the next "snack" she can devour. Maybe she was a mistake...but nonetheless here she is.

Transition. Time. Two words I rarely take a moment to contemplate. They're both all around us, and yet--how often to we give time or transition the respect they deserve?

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