Monday, February 25, 2008

I missed the Oscars!

Ok, so I wasn't planning to watch the Oscars on Sunday night when they aired. That's what Tivo's for, right? I joyfully sat down to watch the glamor parade pre-game count down and that wonderful technology I counted on, tivo, went to the wrong channel. Crazy, frustrating, stressful...I missed the gowns, the jewels, the Hollywood A list being attacked by Gary Busey...nuts! For the first time in I don't know how many years, I didn't get to hear the good, the bad, the strange, and the what were they talking about? recipient speeches. Oh well, I didn't make it to see any of the movies anyway, I guess that was the universe's way of telling me don't stress about something you know nothing about anyway!!!

What is the Academy Awards really about? Is it truly a reflection of movies from the previous year? How many people saw There Will be Blood before Daniel Day Lewis was nominated? And what about No Country for Old Men...a really grabber for the regular Joe.

Let's face it, movies have turned into a crazy expensive endeavor. And have you tried to go to a matinee lately? "Matinees" have to start PRIOR to 3pm. 3 pm!!! It once was any movie before 6...and now--hey, let's face it, there's only 1-2 shows you can pay 1-2 $ less than regular price.

Last week I took my kids to see the Hannah Montana in 3D concert movie. We went to a, you guessed it, 3 o'clock showing and were told that there IS no cheaper pricing for 3D movies, they're $15 a ticket for everyone. So, I paid $15 for a ticket for my 2 year-old to watch a movie in which the package for the 3D glasses said "not for use by children under 3 years-of-age! Geez. They get you coming and going.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Don't worry, the Oscars were pretty much a snooze fest this year, so you didn't miss much!