Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wow! I did it. Today is my first posting. And what a day, in the time I've tried to get this posted, I've handed out several punishments, put the cushions back on the couch-twice, cleaned blood up out of the carpet from a 4 year-old's bloody nose, and even now I'm being asked for food. My whole day revolves around feeding these kids. Do they ever get full? Do they ever finish the last item of consumeable product I gave them? Geez.

This blog spot is for me to vent, dream, and most of all challenge myself to write everyday. If there are others out there doing the same thing, let me know!! thanks


L.S. Alves said...

Hello! Welcome to blogosphere. Life of mother is hard in any place of the world. And with childrens around is a work for few. I know. My daughther are dinner over me in this moment.
You don't ask but here go some ideas about blogging:
1 - talk about some thing you really like.
2 - keep the periodicy. Take care. One post by day is extremely hard to do.
3 - answer the comments you received.
Hugs and good luck with your life.

Lynne said...

hi there! Thanks so much for your comment. I was a former writer in a past career so I'm challenging myself to write everyday for professional reasons more than anything else. How old is your daughter?

Nothing sparks creativity more than knowing someone else is listening! Thanks again...