Monday, March 31, 2008


Ok, so what else could a mother of 4 need? Why not a new puppy? And better yet, it was my idea! Anyone who has known me for any length of time knows that I am a dog fanatic. Ok, so not little dogs--and not hates some cats--but a good sized dog with a bark scary enough to validate me not buying the home security system.

During our first year of marriage, Steve and I had our first baby...a 4-legged Great Dane named Tess. Obviously I forgave Tess all her puppydom because I keep saying, gee I don't remember Tess doing that.

Elsa is a full breed fawn Great Dane. (Think Marmaduke.)She was 7 weeks old when we brought her home from Kentucky. Yes, she's a blue-grass baby. At 8 weeks of age, she's chomping her milk teeth into everything in sight. She's smart as the dickens and a little bit dominant...which will have to be tempered.

So our first Monday together, Steve's out of town, Olivia misses the bus and James Henry is screaming about every little thing. Can I complain, ya I guess so...but it's my own fault. I wanted a dog. So I need to want all the fun that comes with a dog. Poop/pee on the floor, chewed on shoes, and screaming chewed on kids!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

post pics of Elsa!!!