Friday, March 7, 2008

James Taylor is cool, baby...

Ok, so how does an old hippie who has lost his hair and lost his love beads still hold the attention of audiences beyond his original fan base? The 70s are gone...although if you look at fashion you know they're gone but not forgotten! I'm watching this PBS special where James Taylor has gone back to his home "area", I'm blanking on the state--but he's back in the region where he's from singing old songs and new songs--and I'm completely drawn in by his music.

Ya, I'm 35...and I really like James Taylor's music. Does that mean I'm completely out dated? I don't think so. I remember the first time I listened to James Taylor's music. I was 23ish, and had gone to the beach with I'm guessing 20-30 other college kids. We'd played and drank our way through the day and were now going to hang out on the beach with a bonfire. Greg Wilson, who had a bitchin jeep, pulled said jeep onto the beach and began playing music. I remember him suggesting James Taylor and me going NO Way. Mainly because I thought he was just boring and out of date and why would any of us way too cool kids want to listen to that. But, I was shushed...and we listened to James Taylor.

For me, it was the first time I'd really heard James Taylor's music. It was soothing. It played against the rhythms of the waves crashing in the distance. It was mellow, and it truly summed up the evening perfectly. It's funny how music ties us to events in our lives.

When I was in delivery for my 4th (and final) child, I still hadn't picked a name. The only reason I mention this is because I had every child previously named far in advance of their arrival on this earth! But this baby was different. I knew it was a boy...but I had no idea what I was going to call him. I had a list of at least 10 names going into labor...and had no idea who would come out on top. During my labor with him, I found myself drawn to the James Taylor's greatest hits album. It's fun, calm, easy...just what I was looking for. My ipod played, Steve did email--a completely different subject for another day--and we waited for the arrival of this baby boy. Over and over again I listened to Sweet Baby James...and knew if he looked like one, his name would be James.

My 4th child, my 3rd son is named James Henry Nash. James Henry Martin was my great-grandfather, the father of my grandmother Nada Lee Martin Wilkins who I look so much like. She passed away before this baby was born. I miss her constantly. But a little of them both lives on in my James Henry.

When I hear Sweet baby James I think of them all, my great-grandfather who was a West Texas Sheriff, my grandmother who grew up in the great depression in West Texas, and my son who will never meet the ones he carries forth from history. WE keep the history alive; each and every day.

James Taylor can keep rockin'....

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