Sunday, March 23, 2008

This year, Easter Bites

Good grief. First of all, to me, Easter is about family, it's about a big beautiful meal with children in new clothes--pictures, and a smile for all. Easter turned sour around 12:45pm. This morning, I had everyone's clothes ironned and ready to go--Steve was up and out the door for ushering & money collecting at church. This left me with the task of preparing 4 kids...well, 3 really because Matt can take care of himself...getting myself cleanned up and off to church ON TIME because only the early bird gets a seat at AFUMC on Easter Sunday!

Mission accomplished. Everyone was there w/ their beautiful clothes and smiles and we got our photo. yes! Service went fairly smoothly--okay, as smoothly as any service with a 4 year-old ad 7 year-old in attendance!

We all piled back into 2 cars and headed for the house. Everyone inside, we decided to head out the front door for photos in front of the blooming Magnolia tree. A Jane Magnolia to be exact, and one of the only things in bloom! Steve opened the frot door and--whoops! James Henry somehow slipped and rammed into the opened front door splitting his left ear open.

Yes, of course, it needed stiches. Geez when in our world does it not need stiches!?! So I spent the next 4 hours at Children's healthcare of Atlanta! Between the urgent care visit where I was told it needed to be seen by plastics, to the platics resident at the hospital emergency room saying the first guy should have taken care of this! Who's to say!...

And by the time I got back to our home, it was time to cook the supper I was meant to cook for lunch! So I dutily went to work prepping and planning to slavage the remainder of the day.

At 6:15 or so I had the dinner on the table. Steak, baked potatoes, corn on the cob, steamed asperagus, green bean casserole, with deviled eggs, olives, pickled okra and cocktail shrimp...YUM! About 10 minutes into the meal, James Henry errupted all over Steve (ie emptied stomach at dining room table) due to nausea from his anesthetic at the ER. Steve and I just decided we were through attempting to eat. I cancelled the photographer who was suppossed to come the next day to take family pictures. Wouldn't that have been pretty! We put away the food, jammied up the kids and tried not to kill the woosey yet screaming at the top of his lungs 2 year-old.

I finally turned to Steve and sang, "why don't we get drunk..." and he finished the Jimmy Buffet song!

What a day...No amount of Cadbury eggs is gonna make up for this one!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

OMG - Hugs and kisses to both James Henry and Sam. Poor little guys. But, seriously, I am amazed you can get four kids out the door ON TIME. And someday, when all the booboos are healed and the kids are all grown up, these are the stories you will cherish. Or at least that's what you tell yourself, right?