Sunday, March 9, 2008

Body Image...

For women, body image is something we all continue to struggle with. Am I too thick or too thin? Am I too tall or too short? Does my butt look good in these jeans? How thick is my waist?

We see the beauty in everyone else and yet find every single teensy weensy flaw within ourselves.

The honest truth:
I've always hated my nose, my boobs are WAY too big now, the skin on my stomach is disgusting after 4 kids, and I dye my hair to cover the white.

I am lucky enough to work with teenagers at my church and am always reminded of how beautiful they are. Their bodies are strong and lean. They're 16 & 17 years old and really entering the prime of their beauty. I see this because I'm 35 and can look back at how adorable I was in that time frame--how everything was firm and sitting in the right place. But just as I did, they don't see their true selves when they look in the mirror...they look for what they think is missing.

There are truly very few Barbie dolls among us. We're not perfect, and Lord knows after a few kiddos we're no where near the gals we once were! But Psalm 139 says : ...I am fearfully and wonderfully made". How quickly we forget that God knows all our flaws and yet embraces us as beautiful, complete creatures. God craves our focus and wants to give us inner peace.

In God's mirror we are all wonderfully made. How can we look in our mirrors here on Earth and focus in on the beauty HE's created!


Unknown said...

You know I read all of your posts, usually one night a week. Tonight I read this one and I have to wonder, are you referencing my intro to the India pictures or a real coincidence here? Either way, thank you because I consider you one of the most beautiful women I know and you continually remind me to be grateful for what God has blessed "us" with.

Lynne said...

This made me cry. Thank you V. Honestly, this must have been a coincidence. What would it take for us to be happy and joyful with what we're given! : )