Saturday, March 29, 2008

High museum wine auction finale

Yum yum yum, wine on a Saturday night. Well, at $1O0 bucks a ticket you'd have thought the wine might have been better! Austin hope/Treana vineyards were the "hosts" of the evening & everything they poured was wonderful. Bravo to them. As for the rest, not much stood out. A lovely reserve from Alexander Valley
Vineyards...and a funky blend from eagle eye (?)I'm not sure about the vineyard--its here somewhere.

How nice to dress like grown ups and go out among peers for a night out. Only, our "peers" seem to have nothing in common with us. We, Steve and I, both felt a little like outsiders at what could have been a great ball. Oh well...nothing new when you're the parents all the time.

I wore black theory jeans with a great looking burberry white blouse. High heeled black patened shoes...opera length pearls hiding just beneath my open necked baby! Hot pink patened clutch purse to round it out. Steve was dressed pretty casual compared to the crowd, but he was comfortable. It was fun. We're not trendy--we're just us.

The band at the event was great, and a few of the restaurants there were visiting--several proved that not going there would only save me money. The corp. sponsor was Skirt magazine which I keep threatening to send articles in to. It would have been fun to meet some of the folks from that pub tonight, but the cards didn't have it.

All in all, we left the event early...maybe the problem was that we got to the event too early...? who knows. Our sitter was more then happy to get home and "get more sleep". She got a zune out of it...we're bartering baby sitting for an MP3 player...need vs need, everyone wins!

Tucked in early on a Saturday night? I hope not, surely these black hanky pankies will score me something!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG, you so make me laugh out loud! How I miss you!!! So a few quick things: 1. Are you all over that laser hair removal? Susan did it too and loved it. I haven't decided to try it yet. 2. If Steve gets Paraguay, it's our turn. Skyauction rocks today!!! Plus I'm doing a girls trip in August with Jess, Amy and Christina...the more the merrier if you want to join. Deal is...has to be somewhere none of us have been.